20 December 2008(tarikh keramat!!)- Fat Boys Records organizing Rock the World 8 at this place called 'Secret Garden'..it is besides Stadium Merdeka actually..entered the place at 5pm(not too late i guess..),Bunkface just started their performance..just wondering why the organizer berani utk charge RM25 for this show sedangkn kite tau yg kite boleh tgk band2 yg perform harini,perform jugak kat gigs2 yg free or cheaper than RTW..maybe they can suprise us with big,legendary bands(maybe Search or bands from US,UK..??)it's ok,it's their decision..what's lacking for this event,my oppinion je k?? :-
1. not a strategic place - (mud, kl, toilet...)
2. rm25??
3. small entrance
4. sound system (kesian kat band yg xde sound engineer,xboleh dgr music's layer,quite mendatar n buzzing banyak time show)
5. maghrib break at 6.45pm-7.10pm??
6. band2 baru just perform 3 lagu je ke??
7. dulu 3 stage??now just 1 untuk tiket yg lebih kurang mcm dulu??
tp what i respect :-
1. effort to make rock the world as malaysian rock events still alive!!
2. giving space to new bands..
3. emcee
4. no differentiating in music
5. VIP room..
anyway,obviously the highlight is the last band which is Butterfingers..great performance with their experience,the crowds going crazy that night,,especially when they played chemistry,kabus ribut n royal jelly,,teringat waktu RTW awal2 dulu..emmet mmg pandai interact dgn crowd..dulu aku pernah tergolek sama2 dgn emmet n aku yg tarik die bangun waktu dier body surfing kat rock the world 5 aku rasa..thumbs up for Revenge,,rock kapak is for Malaysian!!!yeahhhh...tapi aku dah rasa kurang aura rtw nih.dulu waktu koffin kanser main,aku still bleh rasa smpi skrg mcm mana tanah bergegar dek muzik yg gegarkn jantung2 crowd..kalo setakat 2-3 moshpit tuh mmg selamba jek...skrg nak tgk 1 pn susah..
conclusion : support our local act..n crowd music rock malaysia makin sopan..ehehhehe..dulu2 ganas,tp berbudi bahasa..ahahhahaha