butterfingers?koffin kanser?search?deja voodoo spells?bittersweet?hujan?the brandals?goodnight electric?peter pan?whats the different from all these bands?i dont see much different..the only different is butterfingers,koffin kanser,search,deja voodoo spells,bittersweet and hujan are from malaysia and the brandals,goodnight electric and peter pan from indonesia..i had interesting conversation my my new stuff (who is from bandung indonesia).. ia asked her about indonesian music then acceptance of malaysian music from them..she sais that theres no band from malaysia that can attract her eyes..then i asked her what kind of music that she likes..then she answer all the bands that i know but when i asked her about malaysian band, theres no such a bands that she know..all the bands that she mention are no much different and specials from our bands..then i gave her to listen and watched via youtube and my playlist(malaysian bands)..she can ignore it while i'm watching my favourite bands playing on net!!what a fuck??how come it can be like this??whats so special about heir bands?whats the different?when i played butterfingers' tentang-tentang song..she replied me with this "eh,ini lagu rakyat indonesia bukan??"what a fuck..didnt u appreciate they put our 'rakyat anthem' in their stuff??it makes me so ashamed...then i asked her why most of indonesian can accept our music then she replied that they didnt understand the meaning,what we wanna say and our music is complicated...ahahhahaha...is that it??bahasa kite nih lain sgt ke?if the band sing in english,didnt they understand??it makes me remember when they confrontation us as malaysia!!
what i wanna say here is i dont understand why they cant accept us in their country??n how can our malaysian adored and so crazy about them??how can celcom making peter pan as their ambassador??band malaysia kite nih x bagus ker?from what i learned and from my experience of listening to music, i think our malaysian bands is much better from them..but what they have, they have various and so many style of music..and how media,people and government accept,appreciate and support their products..for the music itself,its not much different or special from us,still typical music,they are not inventing new music,they still copy the style from western but they make it easy listening and radio friendly..how bout in malaysia?what i observed,many of bands in malaysia rite now making music with no seriousness and their objective is being a 'glamorous rockstar',looking cool with a band and not appreciating their own music..music is art and design..it must be together..how u composed,how u mix and how u catch your audience and what more importance are sincere and honest...we have skills but we dont practice it to our own hands..always,malaysian good music get stucked with all the 'gam' and 'rtm' rules..what the fuck??if u dont support,and give limit to compositing,then what we gonna make our music better??how our malaysian can support their favourite artists??i get sick with old people who see our 'rockers' with sloppy outfit as a drug addict??kahkahkahakah...for indonesian please appreciate what we did here in malaysia..in music there's no blood,country or color to put boundaries at..but from malaysia,please give a chance and respect to our malaysian expressing thier interest..chiow!!
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