Lama gler x update blog..ahahha..besides i'm bz with my bisnes,i am bz with my sleeping and vj thingy..ehehehe..anyway, balik je dari krabi, keesokannya aku tros sambung my journey to Singapore..nasib baik my brado tinggai kat situ..so senang..no problem with place to stay..lepak pasir ris sudeyy....anyway..aku nyampah ngan singapore...ahahha..i know,i cant live here..!!xheran laa ramai yg migrate ke tanah air Malaysia..too crowded....how they can lived here aaa???journey aku kat sini aku banyak belajar ttg sejarah rumpun nusantara kite..aku gi la their national museum..very minimal info..but off course they did mention about our malaya..what to do..??this is the biggest thing that we lost disebabkan oleh kebebasan bersuara yg terlampau..they took what they dont deserve,,i can say that they stole actually..what to do??its the best thing to decide..melainkan kite sanggup tgk negara musnah bcoz z of its citizen..gler apa??nak cerita pasal singapore nih..mmg x abes laa..siap aku rasa nak kena subscribe lagi satu blog kot baru setel..dari segi mentaliti.kiasu,media,penipuan and pandangan diorang kat malaysia..why malaysia??jealous sgt atau takut??takut la tuhh....ahahhahahha...jalan punye jalan, perhatikan org2 singapore,sempat laaa amek gambar sekeping 2..raya haji nih ke sana lagi..bleh usha lagi robot-robot singapore lagi..ahahha
CONCLUSION : Negaraku-tanah tumpahnya darahku!!

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