Yesterday,as usual in our parliament,must be a hot topic all over the space..our stupid politician, again, barking each other like they didnt know where they are..they calling one and another with animals name..ahahha..the focus here off course the 'bigfoot' and the 'monkey'...what the hell they are thinking about..isnt its the place to solve and discuss our 'complicated' country situation?? diorang x diberitahu ke that this parliament thing is live telecast and everybody are watching..??for me its more about personal matters,money ang gler kuasa than helping our malaysians...hey man,are you good or ready enough to rule your country and be a leader??nak buat mcm mana,malaysians kite gak yg pilih..didnt u shame at all??kalo mcm nih..smpi bler2 la problem xselesai..then bising that we are very far from others..its true,there must be a opposition,but is this how u discuss in PARLIAMENT??kalo mcm nih, better discuss dekat lotus blakang klcc jek..siap boleh layan roti banjir dgn neskepe tarik lg..where's the tolerate and budi bahasa or your humanity??kelakar la korang nih!!grow up man..
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