Last 5th April my brado finally end up his 8years of couple moment with his hawariyun..they're finally married a day before my birthday at kl..i'm just too happy for them..i've seen their relationship for many years and for this happy ending was enough for me..i like the way of both reception which so simple...but still,technical forgiven-problem occurred during the historical event..hmmm what to do..not everything we wish or plan we ll get it right??just hoping for the best and do it as good as we bro n my new sista,always praying for your happines and all the best for the future..thanks a lot!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Cayalah bro..
Last 5th April my brado finally end up his 8years of couple moment with his hawariyun..they're finally married a day before my birthday at kl..i'm just too happy for them..i've seen their relationship for many years and for this happy ending was enough for me..i like the way of both reception which so simple...but still,technical forgiven-problem occurred during the historical event..hmmm what to do..not everything we wish or plan we ll get it right??just hoping for the best and do it as good as we bro n my new sista,always praying for your happines and all the best for the future..thanks a lot!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Spa in Pilah.. just a place where i came from..its where had grew my mother then my brother then bring hapiness to all of my just an abandon 'jeram' but its nice place to laugh,talk and forget about DIRTY THINGS,i-mac,works,kl or even plaza toll kl-putrajaya..nothing can disturb or come in mind while enjoying my original 'spa' thing..kehkeh..especially bler time2 panas mcm nih..rasa nak balik je pilah then terjun tirok tros dlm jeram..perrgghh..gosok pasir jeram atas kulit(honestly,this is the best and cost effective method to preserve your skinny skin mcm awek muda..ahahhaha)letak sabun atas batu,then gelongsor..but suddenly, i realize,can i have this moment anymore coz one by one has leaving to carry on for better life..i dunno..just hoping..but still,there's a place to laugh n smile..lot place yet to be explore!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Supergenius Sufiah!!

siapa xkenal minah genius/bodo nih??dah glamer dah dier kat mana2..tinggal nak bertanding kerusi parlimen jek..mana nakcarik awek malaysia yg hot 1 dunia selain michele yeoh??minah nih je laa...apa salah dier smpi dier jd mcm nih??nih ke contoh anak dara malaysia kite??nih yg kite nampak dgn mata kasar,blom lg yg kite xnampak kat corok2 kampung, or felda2??kat bandar apetah lg..i wish i could go there(uk) n tempeleng minah nih dgn tapak kaki she s so proud bout what she s doing now with her life..aku xsetuju if org blame dier jd mcm nih bcoz of famili..kalo famili terok pn,mana letak kepala otak dier..mana pegangan dier..kite semua xsempurna..even aku pn tungang xkan xboleh fikir mana baik mana buruk??kalo la dier ckp sex tuh best,n bleh tampung idop dier,n dier pn kalo xterpk pasal agama,,mana letaknye sains yg dier belajar selama nih???jijik sial...siapa yg nak salahkn utk kes nih??bapak dier yg kepala dah besar mcm bontot tuh??situasi??goverment??pressure??apahal weii...salahkan diri sendiri tuh(suffiah) dier terlalu genius,n this decision based on her mathematical formula??who knows??mcm mana lak situasi kat sini??ape kesan dier??mak bapak dah jd takut kot nak antar anak2 gi oversea...yg lagi best nyer ade lak org siap nak buat tabung utk selamatkan dier??what the hell??baik duit2 tuh selamatkn org2 yg xleh nak makan mee goreng basah ari2..makin worldwide la prostitution kat sana n tambah lg 1 currency kat arena prostitution in uk..oh yeah..what i wanna say here,hidop nih senang..kalo xsekolah pn boleh tau mana buruk n mana yg baik..
Friday, May 2, 2008
Politik Zoo

Yesterday,as usual in our parliament,must be a hot topic all over the space..our stupid politician, again, barking each other like they didnt know where they are..they calling one and another with animals name..ahahha..the focus here off course the 'bigfoot' and the 'monkey'...what the hell they are thinking about..isnt its the place to solve and discuss our 'complicated' country situation?? diorang x diberitahu ke that this parliament thing is live telecast and everybody are watching..??for me its more about personal matters,money ang gler kuasa than helping our malaysians...hey man,are you good or ready enough to rule your country and be a leader??nak buat mcm mana,malaysians kite gak yg pilih..didnt u shame at all??kalo mcm nih..smpi bler2 la problem xselesai..then bising that we are very far from others..its true,there must be a opposition,but is this how u discuss in PARLIAMENT??kalo mcm nih, better discuss dekat lotus blakang klcc jek..siap boleh layan roti banjir dgn neskepe tarik lg..where's the tolerate and budi bahasa or your humanity??kelakar la korang nih!!grow up man..
Thursday, May 1, 2008

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