Yesterday our government had decided to stop subsidize petrol from now on..many malaysian especially malay angryy with the decision..for me its really hard for our malaysian to accept this decision,but i just cant take how malaysian react especially opposition parties..for them its time to win malaysian heart to gain support for next election..what a fuck??thats why i title this post as minyak hangin which means minyak that make everyone hangi..ahahhaah..(tah hape2 kan??) is it a wise decision to stop all the subsidize things??for me..YES!!!kite dah terlalu lama dimanjakan oleh kerajaan..the goverment supposed to take this action long time a go..kite nih pemalas macam kucing..makanan pon nak kena bagi bukannye nak usaha sendiri..kalo nak kena subsidi jek,sampai bler la malaysia nih xdipandang dek orang..setakt tempat nak letak kilang je buat ape,biar kite jadi tempat yg org luar sendiri xberani nak masok coz takut dgn kite..but the decision that they had decided yesterday is not a best time to do...u know all the current issue (tun mahathir,KJ,pak lah, BN lost etc)..the opposition party of course waiting for this such decision which will make public get angry with government..they promised before the last election that they will reduce the petrol price but after 2 months the election,is it has been reduce??how they gonna reduce the prize?? which we know its not our power to control that prize!!gilo apo??petronas??hmmm..minyak kite bukannye minyak utk dipakai oleh proton satria,toyota vios pon...kapal terbang bleh la pakai..so, total of our petrol/oil exportation still not enough to effect the petrol prices cause of our petrol demand..
people keep saying,blogging,discuss and debate of this current situation and of course the only place thay express themselves in mamak stall..i really hate to hear that!!semua orang kecoh,bising, marah bout this thing..tp i just wandering, what the fuck they're thinking about??didn't they ashamed for this long time that others (govt,petronas etc) had pay their petrol??woii..malu la weih..if u want to move,travel or anything else that related to using petrol,u have to pay by yourself la weih...apahal org lain lak yg nak bayar kn??because of this subsidise things, our malaysian become lazy and manja!!but that's rakyat malaysia yg 'berdaya saing' (aahhaahah),always asking for subsidi(our typical malaysian-dulu waktu malaysia masuk final piala tiger kat spore pon nak minx subsidi tiket nak pi sana!!gilo apo???)..do not blame our government or anyone,blame the stupid fucking american!!because of them,the arabs had rise up to ridiculous price of oil..ahahahha,padan muke kite..pasal org lain kite yg kena tempias,then kite bergaduh sesama kite n tuding menuding jari hantu pon berlaku!!apalah kite ni,x sedar ke benda2 nih..i'm not saying our government do the right thing or the opposition cant reduce the petrol prizes,i just get bored with malaysian yg bising-bising tapi akai xde...dah tau minyak naik yg pi bising buat apa??bukannye bleh murah pon minyak tuh...lambat laun korang akan isik gak minyak tuh..nih sanggup pergi beratus 3-4 jam kat peronas,shell,mobil just to save 40-50 ringgit!!gler xberbaloi weit..baik dok umah main fifa'08 kat xbox..i cant understand bcoz bukannye korang nak kerja lagi kuat,dapat gaji lebih,manage hidup dgn lebih baik n compete with others with knowledge in your heart..xpaham btol aku!!!sape xterasa dgn harga minyak baru nih,especially kat luar bandar tuh..dahla public transport terok nih minyak naik lg..heyy..
plzz govt,if thats ur decision,plz prepare for the worst..mcm mana pon kite x boleh lari dgn minyak..for whom rules this country,plz do something which will make our malaysian smiling even the petrol price at that high..give us something..they promised to subsidise to food industry after this which i think is a good idea bcoz of latest bad situation (harga beras,tepung,gandum etc!!)i know how high the petrol price is,but didnt we realize that people in kl still able to get mee goreng in bukit bintang,tgk ironman kat cineleisure, futsal every week,clubbing every weekend and ging vacation every month!!btol x??plz help our fellow malaysian in rural are..bcoz if our target to help them by reducing the cost of food,isnt people in town terasa gak benda2 nih???even for me its still not fair for us in town laaa..lagi mau bising lalat2 kat town nih..tp kepada lalat-lalat,langau yg bising2 tuh,,plzz la weih...biar ape yg terjadi..jom kite bangun sama-sama..biarlah 1 hari nanti kite xkisah pon kalo minyak tuh 1 liter rm10 pn kite still hepi sebagai melayu yang maju..jgn tuduh menuduh..xde ape2 yg akan effect pn..tukar kerajaan ke,tukar agong ke,mcm tuh gak laa harga minyak setong yg kite akan dapat..i dont think we can change the situation from our beloved land..for me we're not good enough to do that..kite cakap je lebih,gah menggunung tp sebenarnye kite hanyalah jaguh kampung yg ditertawakan oleh budak budak-budak hip hop!!JANGAN JADI MALAS!!
*picture was taken from jeffweintraub.blogspot.com